Thursday, April 24, 2008

Introducing "Fer Food"...

It has recently been brought to my attention that my obsession & consequential "love" of food merit skewing the original purpose of this blog.

So, from now on I will be bringing you "Fer Food - In Search of the Best Damn Meal Ever." With the occasional witty insight into my home life.

But, for now, I will leave you with a thought.

There are no pictures for this meal, but I'm sure you can imagine it.

We decided to reward Natalie for making the cheer squad by letting her pick a restaurant for a celebratory dinner. My lovely 12 year old chose IHOP. Not my kind of place for dinner. I DO NOT eat pancakes. Word of advice, never order a Philly Steak sandwich at a place called INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES...


Morgan's Mom said...

YEHA Fer-Food! Look out Rachael Ray, Fer will take you down and eat the rest of your sandwich.

Anonymous said...

Fer Food- that's a great idea!

But IHOP....not such a great idea. I would have been a bad parent and spoke of the tragedy of the IHOP burning down the night so sad...all the little pancakes screaming...

K said...

one of my favorite family stories ends with "you ain't at the f*&^&*$ IHOP."