Thank you Dr. Mom...
We all know the miracle drug. But why is it that we need a prescription for it? I mean, it can be purchased for $4, so why make me miss work for a doctor appointment, or worse, pay an ER bill when I KNOW what's wrong?It started Friday morning with Eddie throwing up hurling three times. Then, the fever started. He battled off & on for two days with Motrin. Then, the rash came. I was sure it was strep with scarlet fever. Eddie had it last year, & I've heard once you get them, you ALWAYS get them. Anyway, we finally made the executive decision for James to take him to the ER late Saturday night.Diagnosis...strep & scarlet fever...DUH!
Maybe the medival community fears we'll become addicted to antibiotics...I hear it's pretty psychodelic when you smoke it.
Or actually, I think they fear we'll become immune to it if it's at our beck and call...and then it no longer works.
That's my assvice for today.
And I meant MEDICAL not funny!
antibiotics are pretty medival when you smoke it!!
Poor little guy, I hate sick babies! Hope he is doing better soon.
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