Thursday, September 24, 2009


For those of you who have ever fought over food in the fridge, or have witnessed your children doing so, this kind of brings a whole new level to the concept of "staking your claim"...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem...

BUT, you better damn well have your hat...
THEN, there's this guy & his man bag. What the hell was HE thinking???

BONUS: Gluten Free Beer!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Girls' Weekend...

So, I went away for the weekend with some girlfriends. No husband. No kids. This was my send off on Friday...
I returned home to a kitchen cleaner than when I left...
...with one minor casualty. Hopefully it's not lead based paint...
Fittingly, this was in that Sunday's paper...
And, I got a welcome home dinner...
Maybe I should go out of town more often...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Julie in Training...

Rachel bought herself a Girl Gourmet set with her communion money. It's makes cupcakes, in a microwave. One step above the Easy Bake Oven and it's awesome light bulb. But, it also uses gluten free ingredients, so why not...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why Rachel Rocks...

Because she eats Moo Goo Gai Pan...

and lettuce wraps. Some how I lost the photo of the flourless chocolate dome cake with raspberry sauce. It was DELISH.
Thank you PF Chang's...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dinner at Home...

Can't swing dinner out? Make it at home. Two NY strips with baked potatoes. On the left is chorizo & cheddar stuffed jalapenos. On the right spinach & feta stuffed mushrooms.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Next Adam Lambert...

I know it's a bit dark, but for the record, he has Spider Man slippers & a Steelers winter cap on...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rubber Bands or Nuclear Waste?

Well, my oldest turned 14 this past Saturday, & today she got braces.These days the rubber bands come in a variety of colors, not only the boring gray that we had. Now, why didn't she pick maroon & show her bulldog spirit? Cheer try outs are tomorrow...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Julie Rocks!!!

This is gluten free & for Rachel's 1st Communion tomorrow.
She truly is a genius...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

WOW! A Month Already???

Unfortunately, this is all I've got...


Go ahead & try it. It's fun...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sorry for the Delay...

What with the state of the stupid economy, we haven't been going out to eat. So, you have to settle for a belated Valentine's Day treat.

Homemade heart shape pizzas!
Very fun & very tasty. Please ignore the state of my pizza pan. We eat a lot of frozen pizza.

Don't judge me...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

There's Something Woman Like About a Pick Up Man...

THIS is James' rental while the hooptie gets repaired. It is big. Really big. So big that it won't fit in the garage with my minivan, & thank Gawd it has handles to pull my fat azz into the cab. It is really nice though, & if it weren't a V-8, I'd have him consider something like it when his lease is up in June...

Monday, January 19, 2009

What a Year...

And by year, I mean 12 month period.

It started in November with a new hot water heater to the tune of $1500. Then, a new part for the furnace...$300. Most recently, while reorganizing Eddie's closet, we discovered water damage that extended to the closet below Eddie's room. We're still reconstructing them. So far, $200-$300.

Finally, last week, James was sideswiped by another vehicle that slid on some ice. Now he has a banged up hooptie. Thank goodness the other driver has insurance.

What else can 2009 have in store for us. It's been a very expensive year so far...
Oh, & yesterday I spent the afternoon at a cheer competition. I tried to post the video, but was unsuccessful. Let me just say that I will never get those 5 hours back...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Define Irony...

So, James was listening to Paul Harvey the other day & heard this tidbit of news.

Now, anyone who knows me, knows I can be sarcastic (big shock), & James sometimes has difficulty picking up on if I'm being sarcastic or serious. Then, he wanted to tell me he may have dementia, but forgot. Isn't that a hoot? He FORGOT to tell me he may have dementia. I laughed out loud.

I'm no Dr. House, but I think it's an accurate diagnosis...