Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summertime Music & Memories...

We are having a block party this Saturday. I was trying to make a CD (the modern day mixed tape) to play. But, I've hit a road block in the theme music department. So, I turn to you, oh internet Gods & Goddesses, for suggestions.

So far I have the following songs:
Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
Summer of '69 - Bryan Adams
Dancing in the Streets - Bowie & Jagger
When the Sun Goes Down - Kenny Cheasney
Our House - Madness
Jenny from the Block - J. Lo

What makes you all think "summer," or "party in the street?"

Let the memories flow...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Editing Question...

I love this picture, but unfortunately, it was taken while in the bathroom. I would love to lose the TP roll on the wall. I do not have Photoshop, & am not talented in the photo editting department.

Any helpful insight? Or, if you could make changes & email it back to me, that would be great...

Monday, July 7, 2008

There's a Pattern Here...

YEA! More carbs.

So, we went to the Olive Garden last night, & I am in love with gnocchi. I've tried it once before at a local place called Stella's, & it is divine.

The sauce on the veronese is delightful (creamy & flavorful), & the veggies supreme!

Good summer eats...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Rules of Etiquette...

A certain hillbilly that shall remain nameless needs your help. Last night he inquired to me if you wore a pair of underwear for only 3 hours, could you wear it again tomorrow?

Your thoughts...

Yes, THESE are the kind of conversations most poplular in our house.